Friday, March 14, 2008


We are jugglers,all of us.We are juggling people,we are juggling roles,we are juggling lives.And in this mad juggling game of life if we let even one piece dop...just one mistake...well... u know what happens...
I live in several worlds.Everyday of my life i traverse atleast five different worlds.Im not an alien.Nor am i an intergalactic travller.My life is hectic.Very hectic.A normal day in my life would involve me keeping a minimum of five different appointments with five completely different sets of people at five different places, each wanting something outta me.For the purpose of understanding think of each of these different sets of people as Worlds.My logic is -if u live one more than one,expect concessions from none.Make sense?Each of those worlds is a separate entity friend.Each of them expects your optimum attention(Note:I do not say full attention).U cannot go up to em and say"Cut me some slack here chum,i live on worlds B,C and D""If u cannot give each of those worlds ur Optimum attention,for God's sake dont enter them.Stay well away.Another thing-never ,never Never let the worlds mingle.Divide em strictly,precisely and syeadfastly.Never spend all ur time on World A thinking of ur responsibilities on World B.Im tellin u brother-the only thing ull end up doin is tearing ur sanity apart,piece by bloody piece.If u have learnt this-u have learnt balance.And believe me-Balance is the key.Remember"East is east and west is west.And never the twain shall meet."