Friday, January 4, 2008


Ive bin reading a few blogs recently,and some how im left with the feeling that my blog is kinda-hmmmm-juvenile.I mean ive bin reading blogs by people who sound like that they die a thousand deaths a day,cry hysterically over every death and lament life in terms that wuda sent Shakespeare scurrying for the dictionary.I mean -what is it with teenage(ers) girls and melodrama?Everyone is a bludy drama queen.They see pain here.Loss there.Suffering there.Blah blah blah.Life is meaningless etc etc.And the terms they use to describe their lives.Sheesh.I mean-come on-I have a sufficiently large vocab and ive seen my fair share of shit(Heck im blind in one eye and have a power of Seven-bludy-teen)-but even i dont go around using words like "grandiose"and "verbose" and phrases like"The illusion that is the world is going to come crashing down on you in the next nanosecond".Which century dyu people live in?Hmmm here's a totally baseless and largely unsuccessful attempt to understand these Doom and gloom addicts.These women(genrally) ad men(occasionally)(Wink:-)Sure me for bein sexist -i dont care) are verbose drama queens.Theyre drama addicts.They try to make out that their lives are poignant tales narrated by a dictionary with the page open on Melodrama-in an attempt to make the proverbial mountain outta the molehill.Why do u see so much pain round you?laugh a bit.Why is love an illusion?jus cos u have a failed relationship doesnt mean the world is about to end is it?Why is God an illusion?Jus cos He didnt come runnin whenever you had your petty lil moments doesnt mean He doesnt exist does it?
And in answer to this what do i get"(Sigh)u will never understand us Tragic,Misunderstood, Romantic souls"(Rolls Eyes).Argh.Wake up and smell the coffee.Smile a bit. Cant hurt more than what ure doin now.