Friday, July 6, 2007

here i am ...bak again..this bloggin stuff is actually that anyone will read it ofc.......
.........wer is the intelligence gone....?where are the intelligent ppl in the world...everythin everyone seems to stay is is sooo long since i have met someone different...i am beginin to imagine that there are no different ppl left in the world.....everyone is the same...everything they say they have heard someone else say ...and they repeat like PARROTS.........why cant u b original......?is ur whole state of bein a FAKE>....?> u have to copy someone always.......?i have had it wit u n ur me intelligence....something different....sho me intelligence for CHRISSAKE......where is ur brain.....u are a collection of copied thots ...borrowd from whoever u think is cool....and for ur info ...those ppl who u think are cool.....borrowd their thots from someone else.....

1 comment:

Grenouille13 said...

Somebody is reading this stuff after all!