Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I loved what he did, although I never told him that.

We'd been out for a year when it happened. It was a normal enough monday- just like any other day. I reached college around eight. As i made my way to the room, I could already see him there in my mind. He was always there at 7:50 in the morning;always. He'd be at his table, texting on his phone or looking at something on his laptop.
And sure enough, there he was.

Hey beautiful.
Hey you.

He was looking at something on his laptop. He didn't look up as I entered..

Lots of work?

His brow crinkled.

Isn't there always.
It wasn't phrased as a question.
The day went on pretty much as usual. That is, until break.

To be perfectly fair- I think he started it. He'd been having a bad day since morning and it looked to be getting a lot worse.

The argument started as most arguments seem to start between men - over who had the bigger penis. He wanted X to do some work for him, and X had refused; citing (in his opinion) a rather silly excuse. The usual verbal sparring began from there.Various expletives were used and various insults were thrown. Parentages were questioned.

"All so that you can spend your blasted time canoodling with that annoying and flat-out ugly whore of yours!".

Everything went still. I turned cold. X had forgotten that I was in the room as well.

What did you say.

You heard well enough.

The world stopped for a microsecond; poised on the edge of a cliff.

He fell on X. And when I say fell, I mean in the most basest, and primal sort of way. He wasn't a big boy; in truth X was a lot bigger. But I don't think X had fully appreciated the ferocity of the attack that his words would bring down.
He rained blow after ablow on the poor fellow, By the time X had mustered enough of his senses to mount any sort of defence, he was already on the floor with a bleeding lip, a black eye...
and a broken arm.
It took three of the others to pull him off X.
But by then the damage was done.
And that was that.
Of course, he spent several days in detention. I daresay how he wangled his way out of that would make for an interesting story. (He usually does, you know. Wangle his way out, I mean).
And of course there was a huge hoo-haa about it all.

Did i like him the more for it?
I still can't quite make up my mind.

Yes, every woman wants to feel protected, but there was a ferocity there that was almost scary.....
and there was the broken arm.


Grenouille13 said...

This girl shouldn't just walk away, she should *run*

Wolf said...

You think so? I've been getting mixed feedback on that one.

Grenouille13 said...

Think so? I *two hundred purr-shunt* believe so.