Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eleanor Rigby

What do you want?
(Store in A)
Why do you want it?
(Store in B)
What are the consequences?

(Store in C)
Is B>C
Then A.
Screw this whole exercise. You’re wasting your time with A.

All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?
We are all afraid aren’t we? Afraid of society; afraid of rejection.
Who among you has the courage to bare your heart? To go up to the person you love and say so? I do. I did too; and it locked me in a happy, self-imposed prison.(Author’s note: Not really. But its funny and at times convenient to say that it did. In reality- it sets you free; really) Now, you try.
But…no. There’s convention; there’s ego (there’s always ego);; there’s fear, there’s insecurity.
I’ve advice my friend- take all that and stuff it where the sun don’t shine.
Life’s way too short to sit around waiting for something. Take a shot. Yes, you may fail; yes you may bleed for a while; but you’ll recover. It’s not about how many times you get hit and fall but how many times you get back up. I think Rocky said that.
If you want something- go out and get it. If you want someone- go out and get them. Show me the girl who goes after what she wants and I will show you my kind of woman. Do not live in the hell of a friendship-in-the-hope-that-someday….
Someday won’t come.
Take my word for it.
Someday won’t come.
But what if I’m not good enough?

Never let anyone convince you that you are not good enough for the person you love. I saw that in a rather silly movie once.

What if she says no? Well good then, yeah? Least you’ve got that out of the way. Tell me, do you particularly enjoy doing drugs? ‘Cos that’s what you’re doing now. You’re living in a happy haze; because you are too afraid to live, to love. Here’s what’s going to happen to you:

She’d always been there for him. In all his pictures, you could see her. Standing in the corner; standing along with his friends; smiling her slightly-sad, fake little smile.
Five years later:
She’s still there in all the pictures; only she’s marginally closer now; marginally.
Another five years later:
She’s pretty close now; only two people between him and her in the picture.
Five years later:
It’s his wedding picture; she’s there.

Only, she isn’t the wife.
You want to know her name eh?
I don’t really remember.
I think it was Eleanor Rigby.

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