Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Author's Note: I believe in God, despite it all; such is faith.

I, ___ take you, ___ for my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part.

The question is-
If I go crazy then would you still call me Superman?

I'd like to take a look at this abstract called "Unconditional Love".
Who among you will step forward to love this man unconditionally?

What if ...he becomes poor?
What if he loses his mind?
What if he becomes ill?
What if he is maimed in an accident?
What if he lies?
What if he commits murder?
What if he commits....adultery?

I can't see in one eye.. What if, someday, I lose vision in both?
"Even if you were blind, it would not matter, I will still hold your hand and walk you home"-My Art of living.

Should you find someone better, don't stop to think. Leave me and begone with you. I shall not hate you. I shall live in acceptance- in the line "As long as she is happy..."

Show me the person who shalt profess unconditional love and I will show you their Condition.

Is a mother's love unconditional? I have no answer to this one. In all honesty, probably it isn't.
There are certain things that I cannot allow myself to believe.

Note that I have always been far more interested in the angels on Earth than in Heaven.

There was a son who went home from school one day. Mum, he said, I'm sorry.I seem to have failed in my Maths exam.

There was a flicker in the mother's eyes.

That's alright Son.I'm sure you'll do it the next time, she said.

And she hugged him.

All was well.

However there is a part of me that stops at that point....the flicker.

Was that merely being human?

So, humans cannot love unconditionally, yes?

And so they brought about the concept of a higher being who could love unconditionally.


Because it felt better.

Is God's love unconditional, Father Jacob? Tell me then, why do we have confessions? Why is there Sin/Hamartia? Why is there a Hell?

So that you can be put through the whole rigmarole and at the end of it all He woll still love you?

Everyone deserves to have someone. For those that don't- there is God.

The floor is now open.


Skapade said...

Pensive Silence.

I agree on the God being there for the destitute part.

But mom's love is unconditional. The flicker is the result of her anxiety over her son's future. I think there is not a hint of anything other than anxiety.

Wolf said...

I very much believe that a Mother's love is unconditional.
" In all honesty, it probably isn't. But there are certain things that I cannot allow myself to believe.(I.e I cannot allow myself to believe that a mother's love is not unconditional- because I think of my own mother)

Grenouille13 said...

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

(A Midsummer Night's Dream - Act 1, Scene 1)

Wolf said...

Les yeux sont le miroir de l'dme

Grenouille13 said...

Pas vraiment.

Wolf said...

Poker face.