Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Wolf Run

Day one:
It began with an idea.The wolf wanted to run.It knew how to run.And the others knew that it could run, and run well.The wolf knew them all-all the others.And he knew that he was faster. But he was'nt sure.It wasnt enuff just to know how to run.You needed to learn how to cross the potholes.And you had to escape the hunters.You had to ensure that the others didnt cheat.There appeared a lot more to running than running.The wolf was in doubt.

Day two
The others began to approach him-in ones and in twos.They wanted him to run.
They said that they would support him.They were but mice-but they offered their swords.And the wolf was touched.He knew that in these mice lay the strength to fell great lions He began to grow in confidence.Maybe the idea wasnt so bad after all.He would think about it.In the mean time -he was hungry.

Day three
The day that decided him.It was the priest that did him.You run, he told the wolf, I will support you.I have a congrgation behind me.They may not be all good men.But i can bring them towards you.Leave those who wil not come through good will,the wolf told him,they do not matter to me.I will do my best, said the priest.
How should i run, he asked the inspirer. Run as i know only u can ,said he.Run honestly,run true.Set yourself apart from the others as the true runner.God will help you. The wolf was decided.He would run.There was no turning back now.You may fail,said another inspirer.Butit is better to fail honourably than to win dishonourably, he added.The wolf knew this.He was decided.He would run.There was no turning back.

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